Public May Comment Meeting: June 21, 2018-UVTown Board


These are the people to call regarding their work on the Town Board: For best results, call all or email all members. 

Betsy Maas email: ; office phone 724-5600

Dave McMorris-email: ; phone 845-279-5412

Corrina Kelley ; phone724-3126

John Welsh ; phone 724-7060

Steven Frazier-email:; phone 845-227-8475

Please have your say. Democracy depends on ALL the people being involved.

Thanks for reading, Anne–

(The Town Board Meeting began late, at 8:06 pm, because of an Executive Board Meeting; however, at 7;54 pm for some reason, the Town ran the June 17, 2018 meeting on Channel 22. I think that had I not been watching that channel since 7:30 p.m., I would not have realized what was happening. The 6.17.18. meeting loop was removed at 8:01pm when the live t.v. screen showed a Town Board table occupied only by Mr. Battistoni, Town Lawyer.)The meeting was continued at 8:05pm in public.

Fire Department Presentations: Fire Chief  talked about the various roles of volunteers in the Union Vale Fire Department. Clove Rd. is Station #2 in Union Vale– two engines are stationed there.  Station #1 is in Verbank which has one fire engine and one rescue truck.  There is a tankard in that station also, a very important tool in our fire fighting. Station #1 has a brush truck as does Station #2.  There is a hose truck which helps in fighting a fire in a residence with a long driveway. There is also a side-by-side vehicle which is used for assisting people in areas hard to reach from the roads. There are about 60 members in the Union Vale Fire Department.  There is a Board of 5 Commissioners.  The organization has many fund raisers and is always looking for more volunteers.

The Resue Department then had a presentation. Rescue Squad Division is a part of the Union Vale Fire Department, but all members are NYS certified EMT’s.  Union Vale has 22 people on the squad, 12 of which are EMT’s. We have fully certified people. It is a 35 minute ride to any of the hospitals, so the Rescue Squad wants to be as well prepared as possible.  The Union Vale squad is even prepared for those who overdose on opioids. Opiod abuse is happening everywhere indiscriminate of financials, quality of houses, skin color, etc. 

Betsy Maas asked for a qualification of terms.Fire District –legal entity same size as town–can collect and assess taxes. Fire Company is under the jurisdiction of the Fire District. We should refer to the officers as Fire District Officers. is a good way to contact them or stop by one of the fire houses. This group received warm applause.

Then Cricket Valley Energy presented: (Scott was the presenter)

-Cricket Valley started in 2009; in 2017 all the permits were received: Building 1100 megawatt power station. Cricket Valley is putting in transmission lines through Union Vale. ( tree clearing, helicopters, etc.)

A new trasmission line is necessary for the greater output, and the current line is fifty years old. This also provides for a backup line.  Cricket Valley did not purchase new lands for this line; it is adjacent to the old ConEd line and within its property.

Article 7 (NYS permit)  Process was used to put through the transmission line.This state requirement necessitated public hearings which started in 2014.  The Public Service Commission had hearings in Albany. The permit process was three years long.

The plant is in Dover. We had several legal notices posted, and Town Supervisors were notified–see Cricket Valley newsletter on their site.

What are benefits from transmission line in Union Vale? This fifty-five million dollar line will provide a backup for the power grid. They have used some union workers, and some are from here.

Before the line goes on- line, the ownership will be transferred to ConEd.

Construction  update on Transmission Line: started work in 2017; completed right of way access–removed trees. Now we are installing the foundation for towers ( 140-165 feet). In 9 locations they have drilled into bedrock. ( Also they have an endangered species monitor.) Also they have just done a danger tree assessment– trees with dead limbs or in danger of falling- by state law these trees must be removed. Starting in July towers installation will be begun. Helicopter work is involved. The helicopters are staged at Sky Acres. These copters fly equipment into the sites. When they get ready to set the structure, there will be a second larger helicopter used. It just flies over the right of way. “We don’t fly over people. We don’t fly over cars.” NJ Electric is our contractor on this. ConEd maintains the towers. The installation of towers will start in July. Project is roughly 55 million.

Update on Power Plant–

It was old munitions plant , then a tire company  that burned down. Cricket recycled as much as possible. All they took off site was hazardous material as required by NYS. Then this site became a brown field. Three one-on-one combined cycle units are being built. Last month most of the underground work was finished, and now vertical work begins. “It’s just beautiful out here,” said Scott. Four hundred workers on site now.  They are using some local sub-contractors.

Maas: People want to know what is going on in North Clove? Answer: these are access points to get to the Dover Plant. In some cases there is an agreement with landowner as in case of Able Christmas Tree Farm.

Walsh: Is there grant money for Union Vale?  Answer: no

Bill McCabe: Where does gas come from ? Answer : Iroquois Pipe Line

Town Supervisor’s Report:  Betsy Maas–Town Finances

We are about 78% year of expenses to date. Another week and pay check service will be in place. Made a change in insurance brokerage firm. We paid the $55,000. to pay the bill for paving. We found that keeping the Town Hall open on Saturday mornings petered out (when?–not clear when). We did a little survey on U.V. Town Hall site? ( Who knew?) New Hours–8:30-4:00. Jan -June we can do Sat. hours.  ( This was very confusing to me. Will these new hours create a new employee? Also, who knew about the survey? I am on the website but saw no mail from the Town of Union Vale until today. So how does this survey reflect even the people on the website? Anne).

Seven buildings in Tymor Park need new roofs and there is other repair work to be done. We should start working through how much these things cost.

Sheet on taxes– anybody on mail list got this today.  General fund is $1,079,000. Try to pay before the 31st.

Michelle left her job to take another job, so there will be a new employee.

Councilperson Walsh: salt shed must be dealt with–new project–infrastructure

Councilperson Kelley: Union Vale can form an aggregate to save money. She is researching it now. Home school day was a success. Birdwatching, historic walks, and history are a great resource here. Corrina brought a program from LaGrange Community Day to compare and contrast.

Councilperson Frasier- still not feeling completely 100%–nothing to report

Councilperson McMorris- working with Councilperson Kelley to see about aggregates and making money on recycling.

Highway: Mr. Wisseman-absent

Ms. Maas said she wants to work on circle to improve it. Richie and she will work on it.

Mr. Frasier: can we put signs around the Town Hall to direct traffic? Answer: Yes

Tax Collector Report: County has been paid.

Tom Murphy, the Chair of the Assessment Review Board presented.

Every house in the town is reassessed every four years ( 1/4 of houses done each year). Presently this is a 5 member board with one person on it who is on two town Boards, which may be a conflict of interest, so Board is considering 4 or 3 members). Town Board will discuss this and get back to it.

Mr. Kaich, head of Community Day Committee- big success–$78.00 profit. Thanked Arlington jazz bands; Next year will include Millbrook .

no exact number of participants

surveys returned were few– next year they will be distributed better

good job

Jessica: Recreation Dept.

Thanked Mr. Kaisch and all who worked Community Day, especially life guards.

Reviewed the upcoming Recreation Calendar. Movie next week is Black Panther.

Park Update: Jake Gosnell sent it in.

Working hard and thanks for new mower.

Animal Control

Dutchess County kennel is a disgrace. We need to study alternatives.

Library : Dues for Next 3 Years

Ms. Maas said she wants to send last year’s committee minutes to MidHudson Library. Councilwoman Kelley said the Mid-Hudson System was familiar with the committee and the fact that 75% of the Town of Union Vale supported paying the system to keep the service. Ms. Maas still wanted to wait. This will be taken up at July 5 meeting.( IF you want to support the library system access, please email or call ALL five members of the Town Board– 22 people have already supported this measure.)

Procurement Policy was adopted.

Shannon Blake, the Acquatics Director at Tymor Park questioned why a pool ladder making the pool accessible to wheel chair patients which had been approved in the 2010 budget was knocked out of the  current budget. Shannon believes this might be a violation of the handicapped persons law.  Ms. Maas said they had to talk about this.

Bill McCabe rose at public comment time and said the public input had been reduced by 50% and that the “working” meeting should be televised with public comments recorded. Ms. Maas said that he and she had discussed a bit at the last working meeting, so Bill said that he expected that that would continue and be televised.

Meeting ended: See the meeting yourselves on YouTube: Union Vale Town Bd. June 21, 2018.


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