About Us

All registered Democrats are invited to attend our meetings.  The monthly meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. 

Due to Covid-19, the meetings are being held via Zoom. Recently, we have been meeting in-person, as well as Zoom. Email the committee if you want more information. 


Chair: Mike Tucci………               tooch950@gmail.com
Vice-chair: Heidi Tucci………      heidster8866@gmail.com
Secretary: Susan Kilcrease……  suebkilcrease@gmail.com
Treasurer: Bonnie Ozerkis…….. bozerk50@gmail.com

District Representatives to the County Committee

  • District One: Mike Tucci and Heidi Tucci
  • District Two: Susan Kilcrease and Nancy Redkey

4 thoughts on “About Us

    1. The piece of property that was proposed for the cell tower is actually owned by Beekman. Supervisor Maas described the history of this issue at the last town board meeting, which you can view on the Town of Union Vale site: http://www.unionvaleny.us/town-board.html. You can also call Supervisor Maas, who would be able to fill you in on the details.From my understanding, they thought it was settled, but unfortunately it remains on-going.

    1. You are correct about Union Vale owning that property. Sorry for the misinformation. It is a complicated issue which we are all trying to understand.

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