UVTB-Meets 9.20.18-“Official”(no tv sound, transparency loses again!)

As of 10.2.18, over a week later, there is no YouTube video of this and no televised version. Having been at the meeting, I understand why the Town might not want people to see it. My comments on the Proposition regarding creating a new Tax Collector position were not received with much civility, and the question asked about how much the Town was spending on Hoof Print Road on drainage for a new home after having four years ago told a resident that the Town could not work on drainage there was a question that the Supervisor did not address. I would like you to be able to judge for yourselves whether these remarks by the public were handled thoughtfully, but as yet there is no YouTube. Apparently from what I was able to see with a friend who is savvy about such matters, the streaming was running from the meeting until at least Monday afternoon.

This 9.20.18 meeting began with remarks about the budget. Comments on Budget began @ 7:15 pm.

Only one comment was made and it was from this editor: Anne McCabe:

My budgetary concerns regard the possible passage of a resolution approved by four of you in July: that resolution advocates the reinstatement of the Town Clerk as an elected official of the Town. This potential reinstatement is troubling in that the cost to the town of another elected official is greater than that of a part time employee: witness the benefits an elected official acquires after ten years service. The last elected tax collector who voluntarily retired in 2017, by Ms. Maas‘ own statement, earned about $7,000. True, but this year the Town has paid $6,000 for that retired official’s supplemental insurance (had Ms. Maas had her way this payment would have continued beyond this year). Even if the Town were to follow the Town Code and pay only 50% of that insurance benefit, that would be $3,000 a year, each year that the Town was responsible for. And for what? When Ms.Maas introduced the idea of hiring a part time tax collector, Mr. Welsh said, “ A lot of this can be done by mail.” When Ms. Maas insisted on having that part time employee work from February until June, Mr. Welsh said that even when the position was held by an elected Tax Collector, it had ended in May, not June because after May the taxes went to the County. So this burdening of the Town with another elected official has financial implications as opposed to the original concept of having the Town Clerk’s – the Clerk and her assistant- office pick up this task.

And that second part of the original proposal of removing an elected official position brings us to the need for this extra town expense, which the resolution says has “been confirmed that there are no financial hours of service or performance advantages gained by transferring these powers to the Town Clerk’s Office. “ How would you be able to confirm such a thing when the position was dissolved in May at the voluntary retirement of the last tax collector, after the first election of a new Town Clerk, and before any comparison could be done. Tax season started in January. The hiring of the part time tax collector with Saturday hours was started in February. Where is the basis by which you claim “no…advantages gained by transferring to the Town Clerk’s Office?” As elected officials fiscally responsible for the Town’s careful use of public funds, please explain how you had sufficient information to determine any comparison.

This was followed with personal remarks of Supervisor Maas about Mrs. McCabe’s point of view ( in these remarks, Ms. Maas incorrectly categorized the statements Mrs. McCabe had made regarding retirement benefits. Further Ms. Maas made the inaccurate statement that not all the five retirees receiving 100% payment from public funds for their supplemental insurance benefits were retired officials of the Town. Mrs. McCabe corrected Ms. Maas by stating that Mrs. McCabe had in fact gotten the records as a result of the Freedom Of Information Law and could prove that all five were elected Town Officials. Mr. Frasier then felt the need to inform Mrs. McCabe’s about how hard he worked and how much he deserved financial remuneration and that he didn’t want to be treated like a “second class citizen.”  ( In fact, my reason for believing that elected public officials should not be granted special financial privileges stems from my belief that elected public officials should be in office to serve the people. I know we have not seen much of this on the national front, especially in the last two years, but that was what the Founding Fathers intended and what I was raised to believe ethical office holders felt their jobs to be.)

Again, my allotted three minutes was abruptly interrupted by Ms. Maas ( who then took the time to engage in personal remarks.)

At 7:20 the meeting adjourned for an Executive Session, from which the Board emerged to continue the meeting.

There were reports from Parks and the Recycling Center and the persons in charge of each were present to make these.

Parks –Jake

  • thanked Mr. Albrecht for his work
  • said the bid on the Kiddie Pool had a deadline this month
  • roofing for silos will be in the second week of October
  • Beekman soccer is in full swing
  • the vacant house in the park will be examined
  • the October Fest is ready to go



  • the County raised municipal fees in 2017
  • real crisis because China is now refusing to buy the recycled materials
  • cost has risen 1200 per cent


  • Using dual stream ( paper separated from the glass, plastic, and metal) is cheaper for Town by almost half
  • Raising cost of each garbage bag to $4.00– would still be about half as expensive as using Royal Carting
  • Cost rise goes into effect on October 1st
  • New permits are out in November
  • Try to encourage neighbors to participate in the recycling in Union Vale

Library Contract for 2018 has been signed

Wingdale Traffic Circle Discussion

Two plans were discussed as possible solutions to the traffic issues at the circle.

Drones and Alcohol Permits– Jake has prepared these for those who rent park

Tymor Park Scholarships

  • Thanks to Community Day Race and Park Staff- winners announced

Concession stand made $2,500 this year: big change from the past -Laurie Smalley to thank

IT person is starting in the Town but has no expertise on the televising of the Board Meetings.

Town Board Meeting  on Wed of next week to discuss paving of parking lot and new parking for handicapped.

Then a Town resident rose to discuss the drainage work on  Hoof Print Road and ask why it appeared that the Town was doing a lot of work on a new house ( he believed to belong to Page) when four years ago a long time resident of the road was told he had to take care of drainage issues out of his own pocket and did so. ( This was a Mr. Adams). The question this resident had was how much money is the Town spending on this drainage. The side of Hoof Print is falling apart.

Miss Maas suddenly remembered that she had not timed his question, and then told him his time was up and he should make arrangements to talk to Town officials at a  later date.

That’s all folks. What do you think?

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