Work Meeting of UVTB 9.6.18-no notes, no video, no agenda, no public comment

This meeting, once again without key transparency elements: no published agenda, no minutes stored for public edification, and no public taping, began with a discussion of the Re-cycling Center with Tom St. Onge.  This year began with revenues higher than expected and costs lower and then the cost of carting away recyclable went in May from a couple of hundred dollars to $1,100. per month ( remember that China had been a big part of the US recycling industry. editor). Also because of the problems with having the materials removed, recycling will no longer be single stream: paper must be clean and separate, and metals and plastics must also be clean but may be disposed of together.


1. Close facility –There are 800 permit holders, 500 from Union Vale and 300 from Beekman). The majority of these are senior citizens.

2 Raise fee to $4.00 per bag. ( Royal Carting charges $35.15 per month for its services).

3. Eliminate Senior Discount

4. Skip Wednesday service or Sunday service

5. Charge for use of Debris Bin

The UVTB must consider these options.

Employee Issues

1.Holidays: Consensus stay at current 11

Question: seasonal employees and part-time employees might get time and a half on holidays

2. Personal time off: now 4 days (some proportion thereof for part time)

New paycheck system allows Town to figure 1/4 hour increments

How much advanced notice does Town need for use of these days

May they be used before or after a vacation?

Is there accused sick time: Should the Board vote on individual cases?

May unused personal days be converted to sick days accrued?

Sick time per year now 4 days. Proposed 10-12 which can be received after 90 days probation time for new employees–vacation time is available for new employees after 6 months)

Town may require doctor’s note or request one. Is there a limit of accrued days?

What about the Sick Bank?

What rules govern disability?

Vacation seems to be now: one yr. service= one week

two -five years of service=2 weeks;

five to ten years of service=3 weels

ten to fifteen years of service=4 weeks

sixteen plus years of service = 5 weeks –Vacations must be approved two weeks ahead of time by managers or—-


-based on Pawling’s policy; costs and accessed discussed; will be part of new employee packet and will be coordinated with employee handbook

Ms. Maas said that the Library Contract Discussion will be at a Voting Meeting of the UVTB

(HOWEVER, a meeting of the UVTB was called by Ms. Maas for Sept. 3, 2018 and promulgated on the Town site.  This meeting was held at 5:00 pm. and NO MEMBER of the public which attended was allowed to speak. Also, the meeting took place before sundown, thus  making it difficult for those in our community who observe Rosh Hashana ( Jewish New Year).


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